Routemaster Buses
The Red London bus is arguably the most sought after type of vintage bus for wedding hire. These classic double deck buses known as Routemasters can seat up to 72 guests although there are other lesser capacities availble. As well as looking the part and being a traditional, iconic choice of wedding vehicle, its great to be able to take so many wedding guests to and from a wedding all in one go. If the didtances between venues are very short then a bus could undertake more than one trip each way which then means up to 144 people can be transported.
Red London Bus Routemaster
When hiring a Routemaster Bus for a wedding there is usually the option for personalising the destinationsign on the fron tof the bus, it is a really nice touch and something that makes the day even more special particularly for the bride and groom. If the sign is not personalised then it still will look great if it says ‘congratulations’, ‘wedding special’ or maybe has a classic London route destination. See our current range of London buses here…
Classic & Vintage Wedding Buses
As well as Routemasters there are other types of classic and vintage double deck buses available all over the country. Again these can vary in capacity size typically from 56 to 72 and also they can vary in colour, i.e. Red, Green, Black & White, Blue etc. Although the majority of people that choose a double decker tend to go for a Red one the other colour models are great for different themes and to fit in with different colour schemes.
The photos below are examples of some other double deck wedding buses:
Double deck wedding bus Vintage bus Brighton Classic bus for weddings Bus hire for weddings Classic bus for hire Wedding buses in Chichester
Single Deck Vintage Buses
There are many choices and more colour variations of the single deck vintage buses that are avaialble for wedding hire.
Seating capacities can also vary greatly from as little as 8 up to 49, there are quite a large number of the single deckers with capacaties between 29 – 39 so quite abit of choice depending on locations.

Bedford OB
The Bedford OB’s (photo) above are a very popular vehicle and as you can see quite an array of lovely colours to choose from. These Bedfords will seat 27-29 passengers each and are not only are beautiful to look at but also are very practical in terms of the number of guests they can transport but also for accessing places that a double decker may not be able to reach – the same can be said with all single deck wedding buses in fact.
Smaller Bedfords available for wedding hire include the 1960’s and 1970’s J2 models which can seat up to 20 passengers. A cute and quaint vehicle which can acess just about anywhere.
Vintage bus hire Vintage wedding bus Vintage bus Hampshire Vintgae buses Winchester Vintage Bedford Bedford OB
The Leyland Tiger and Leyland Leopard are another two vintage buses mainly from the 40’s and early 50’s and have seating capacities ranging from 31 to 49 and again coming in a variety of colours. These buses are longer than the Bedfords but still able to negotiate most rural areas where larger buses may struggle.
Vintage single deck bus Leyland Leopard
The Bristol range of vintage buses are another great choice of wedding transport. Red, Green, Cream and Blue are some of the more popular colours available and as you can see they certainly look fantastic.
Single deck bus for weddings Vintage Bristol Bus
AEC are another of the more popular and aesthetically pleasing choices of vintage buses available for wedding hire. Along with the Leyland and Bristol models these complete a trio of amazing types of different vintage single deckers. Check out the following link for our current range….

Other Vintage Buses For Wedding Hire
The RF in Gold is a magnificent wedding bus and a photographers dream. The Asquith is a much smaller bus but if you have only 8 passengers or less it is ideal and perfect choice for bridesmaids.
Gold bus for wedding hire Wedding bus Southsea